Tytuł: Raport o przestrzeganiu zasad ładu korporacyjnego w 2007 roku
Data sporządzenia: 2008-08-30
ASBISc Enterprises Plc ("Spółka"), zgodnie z § 29 ust. 2 Regulaminu Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. ("GPW") przekazuje w załączeniu oświadczenie w sprawie przestrzegania przez Spółkę zasad ładu korporacyjnego zawartych w dokumencie "Dobre Praktyki Spółek Notowanych na GPW".
Podpisano przez:
Tziamalis Constantinos
Dyrektor ds. Kontroli kredytów oraz relacji inwestorskich
Report on Application of Corporate Governance - Polish version
Subject: Publication of the Report on Application of Corporate Governance
Issued on: 30 August 2008
In accordance with Paragraph 29 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) Rules, ASBISC Enterprises Plc (the Company) informs that it has published the Report on Application of Corporate Governance as specified in the document "Code of the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies".
Signed by:
Tziamalis Constantinos
Investor Relations and Credit Director
The Report is downloadable from this website via the following link:
Report on Application of Corporate Governance - English version
Disclaimer: The information contained in each press release posted on this site was factually accurate on the date it was issued. While these press releases and other materials remain on the Company's website, the Company assumes no duty to update the information to reflect subsequent developments. Consequently, readers of the press releases and other materials should not rely upon the information as current or accurate after their issuance dates.