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Marzec 27, 2024
Komunikat prasowy. Limassol, Cyprus. 27 marca 2024r.
Marzec 27, 2024
Rekomendacja Rady Dyrektorów w sprawie dywidendy za 2023 r.
Marzec 22, 2024
Komunikat prasowy. Limassol, Cyprus. 22 marca 2024r.
Marzec 22, 2024
Informacja o szacunkowych miesięcznych skonsolidowanych przychodach za luty 2024 r.
Marzec 05, 2024
ASBISC Enterprises PLC, a leading Value-Added Distributor, developer and supplier of IT and IoT products, solutions and services in the growing markets of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, has recently entered into a distribution agreement with a global technology leader Lenovo to expand the geographic distribution of infrastructure solutions in Central Asia. The partnership is aimed at penetrating the rapidly growing markets of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan.
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