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Grudzień 10, 2006
IT Europa, an authoritative publication on Europe’s ICT channel, published an article on ASBIS’ listing at the London Stock Exchange. The article refers to ASBIS as ‘a major contender in wholesale across eastern Europe’ and extensively quotes ASBIS’ CEO Siarhei Kostevitch, who comments on the company’s objectives and plans related to the listing.
Listopad 17, 2006
Russia has long been a distinctive IT market, with a limited presence of international distributors and PC vendors. Last time we visited the expansive nation, there was a sense that this could change, but while PC assemblers remain strong, the distribution channel faces a number of threats. IT Europa assesses how the market has developed in the last 12 months…
Pazdziernik 27, 2006
Poland remains a notoriously local market, with few foreign distributors having a noteable presence, except Actebis and Tech Data which are placed first and second in the country. But following EU accession in 2004, Polish distributors have been feeling on edge with the risk of more competitors entering the market, and they are specialising in an attempt to fortify themselves. IT Europa looks deeper...
Pazdziernik 13, 2006
Two years ago, the PC market in the Czech Republic was becoming startlingly mature, and resembling a western market in all but name. Growth of PC unit shipments was slow, as a result of a saturated market - a population of 10 million were managing to buy 500,000 PCs a year. But sales growth has really picked up in the last year as vendors tap into the lucrative retail sector, and small businesses start buying notebooks. IT Europa assesses how the market is shaping up for 2007...
Kwiecień 15, 2006
ASBIS received the award ‘For Achieving the Highest Mix of Server Revenue of All Distributors in Central and Eastern Europe in Q1, 2006’. The award was presented by Richard Peel, Intel Distribution Sales and Marketing Manager, EMEA, at Disti Sales Conference in Lisbon at the end of April 2006. This is the 15th award received by ASBIS from Intel since 1998.
Kwiecień 10, 2006
The award was presented by Richard Peel, Intel Distribution Sales and Marketing Manager, EMEA, at Disti Sales Conference in Lisbon at the end of April 2006.
Kwiecień 08, 2006
ASBIS Group received the Highest Growth Award from Transcend Information, Inc., a world-class leader in the field of memory and consumer electronics.
Kwiecień 04, 2006
ASBIS Group received the award for outstanding business results in the year 2005 from Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the world’s independent memory leader.
Marzec 23, 2006
ASBIS Group, a leading supplier of computer components to the EMEA emerging markets, received the award for outstanding business results in the year 2005 from PQI Company, one of the largest memory module manufacturers in the world.
Luty 07, 2006
IBM named ASBIS Slovakia its Distributor of the Year at the annual partner meeting that took place on February 7th, 2006 in the Congress Hall of Carlton Hotel in Bratislava. The meeting dubbed Business Partner Kick-off 2006 was attended by more than 100 IBM Slovakia business partners. ASBIS SK was awarded the Distributor of the Year title for the 40 percent business growth in 2005, and for being the largest distributor offering the widest range of IBM’s product categories.
Luty 06, 2006
The new award reaffirms ASBIS’ status as the #1 Partner of Info-Tek Corporation in the EMEA region based on the purchasing volume in 2005. The award certificate signed by Larry Yeo, General Manager of Info-Tek's Multimedia Business Unit, was delivered from Taiwan to Sergey Yatsenko, ASBIS’ Product Line Manager (VGA & Memory)
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