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Grudzień 14, 2007
Zarząd ASBISC Enterprises Plc niniejszym informuje że w dniu dzisiejszym Pan Henri Richard został powołany na stanowisko Dyrektora niewykonawczego w Zarządzie Spółki / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs, that today Mr. Henri Richard has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director on the Company’s Board of Directors.
Grudzień 07, 2007
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISC Enterprises Plc (“Spółka”) niniejszym informuje, iż raport kwartalny za okres zakończony 30 września 2007 r. a opublikowany 9 listopada 2007 r. zawierał błędy pisarskie. / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs, that there were certain transposition errors in its unaudited consolidated financial statements for the period ended 30 September 2007 reported on 9 November 2007.
Listopad 27, 2007
Results of voting „The Best Russian IT Distributor 2007” organized by the most popular channel publication CRN/Russian Edition, analithical agency IT Research and Business Exchange were pronounced in IT Forum 2007 "IT market in Russia".
Listopad 14, 2007
The Russian IT market is going through a period of transition, as it inches ever nearer to Western norms of operation, and seeks to join the World Trade Organisation. The top dogs in distribution and assembly remain the local players, but, as this survey shows, companies like Dell on the hardware side, and German PC-Ware, one of Microsoft's biggest European partners, are betting that now is the time to get involved…
Listopad 12, 2007
“Outstanding quarter on quarter growth demonstrated in Q3’2007 in Russia and CIS region” - ASBIS has been honoured by Intel with an award
Listopad 07, 2007
ASBISc Enterprises Plc (the "Company") hereby gives notice that an extended consolidated quarterly report for the third quarter of 2007 will be published on 9 November 2007.
Listopad 06, 2007
ASBISc Enterprises Plc (the „Company”) hereby gives notice that the public subscription for 7,500,000 new shares has been closed on October 24, 2007. The subscription was held in connection with the introduction of 55,475,248 Company's shares to trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) and the allotment of 7,500,000 new shares.
Pazdziernik 30, 2007
Wprowadzenie do obrotu giełdowego na rynku podstawowym 55.475.248 akcji Spółki (akcje Spółki nie są oznaczone seriami) / Introduction of 55,475,248 Company’s shares to trading on the main market (Company’s shares are not designated with any series number)
Pazdziernik 29, 2007
Rejestracja w KDPW 55.475.248 akcji Spółki; dopuszczenie do obrotu giełdowego na rynku podstawowym 55.475.248 akcji Spółki / Registration in the NDS of 55,475,248 Company shares; admitting to trading on the main market 55,475,248 Company shares /
Pazdziernik 26, 2007
Statement on the application of corporate governance standards binding on the WSE/ Oświadczenie o przestrzeganiu zasad ładu korporacyjnego obowiązującego na GPW
Pazdziernik 26, 2007
Informacja o ostatecznej liczbie Akcji Oferowanych przydzielonych inwestorom
Pazdziernik 22, 2007
Zgodnie z § 10 pkt.1 Regulaminu korzystania z Elektronicznego Systemu Przekazywania Informacji (ESPI), ASBISc Enterprises PLC z siedzibą na Cyprze (Spółka) informuje, że od dnia 19 października 2007 roku Spółka rozpoczyna przekazywanie informacji bieżących i okresowych za pośrednictwem elektronicznego systemu ESPI. Operatorem systemu jest Constantinos Tziamalis.
Wrzesień 10, 2007
To the most successful distributor of graphics cards based on nVidia and ATI chipsets
Sierpień 30, 2007
Eastern European disti ASBIS reports higher pre-tax profits for the first half of 2007, boosted by a 27% surge in revenues. Pre-tax profit increased to $3.8m (€2.8m) from $2.9m (€2.1m) in the same period last year as revenues jumped to $540.1m (€396m) from $426.4m (€313m).
Sierpień 29, 2007
Distribution outfits Asbis and Logicom have both recorded net profits for the first half of the year, but the level of their earnings reiterates the exhausting task that IT wholesalers face to make their endeavours financially worthwhile.
Sierpień 13, 2007
Components distributor Asbis Middle East has signed an agreement with Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS) to offer the vendor's complete motherboard range for AMD platforms and its PC-chip motherboards for Intel.
Sierpień 03, 2007
The company has revealed intentions to float shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange later this year.
Luty 07, 2007
Components distributor Asbis has announced its first trading update since listing on London’s Alternative Investments Market (AIM) late last year. The company — which boasts a strong presence in the Middle East and North Africa — expects to record total group sales of US$1 billion for 2006.
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