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Maj 05, 2008
Wykaz raportów bieżących i okresowych przekazanych do publicznej wiadomości w 2007 r. / List of current and periodical reports Published in 2007
Kwiecień 30, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISc Enterprises Plc przekazuje treść projektów uchwał, które mają być przedmiotem obrad Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Spółki ASBISc Enterprises Plc, zwołanego na dzień 7 maja 2008 r. / The Board of Directors publishes the content of the draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be convened on 7 May 2008.
Kwiecień 25, 2008
ASBIS has been honoured with an award in recognition of its contribution to DELL’s product distribution in the EMEA region.
Kwiecień 17, 2008
After its secret success in Russia as a Dell distributor was first revealed in IT Europa in September last year, ASBIS has just announced that it has become Dell's authorised distributor in Ukraine.
Kwiecień 15, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISC Enterprises PLC informuje, że działając na podstawie artykułu 125 Cypryjskiego Prawa Spółek zwołuje Walne Zgromadzenie ASBISC Enterprises PLC, na dzień 7 maja 2008 r. / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises PLC informs that the Annual General Shareholders Meeting will be held on 7 of May 2008.
Kwiecień 15, 2008
The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that on 15 April 2008 the Company concluded a contract for the acquisition of the 80% of the share capital of MEGATREND d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Kwiecień 03, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISC Enterprises Plc przesyła w załączeniu RAPORT DOTYCZĄCY STOSOWANIA ZASAD ŁADU KORPORACYJNEGO ZA ROK FINANSOWY ZAKOŃCZONY 31 GRUDNIA 2007 R./ The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that it has published the Report on Application of Corporate Governance for the financial year ended 31 December 2007.
Marzec 18, 2008
ASBIS has received two awards from Intel in recognition of highest motherboard revenue growth in 2007 in Russia, CIS and CEE regions.
Marzec 13, 2008 reports that ASBIS Bulgaria has taken another decisive step. After announcing the distribution contract with Acer, now the company revealed to the press its partnership with Dell. The brands are ranked respectively 3rd and 2nd on the global mobile PC market.
Marzec 11, 2008
Warsaw Business Journal informs that Asbis has reported its net profit for 2007 at $18.7 (zł.43.4) million - 68.8 percent higher than in 2006. The company posted sales for 2007 at $1.4 (zł.3.25) billion, a 38.5-percent y/y rise.
Marzec 06, 2008 reports that registered in Cyprus and listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, ASBIS as an IT distributor may carry out a small take-over in Poland though it is not in talks yet, but this is what may be inferred from February 29 statements of Siarhei Kostevitch, the company’s CEO.
Marzec 06, 2008 informs that ASBIS Bulgaria has reported 42 per cent growth in revenues in 2007 reaching $28 million. This has been revealed by regional director Mitko Topalov at a press conference held in Sofia's Hilton hotel.
Marzec 05, 2008
Components distributor Asbis' Middle East and Africa operations appear to be in good shape after registering sales of $39m during the last quarter.
Luty 29, 2008
Spółka informatyczna Asbis Enterprises Plc miała 9,37 mln USD skonsolidowanego zysku netto przypisanego akcjonariuszom jednostki dominującej w IV kw. 2007 roku
Luty 26, 2008
Mainly difficult to work in, very few areas that resemble the rest of Europe in business practices or normal contracts - the CIS represents the wild frontier in IT sales.
Luty 20, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISC Enterprises Plc uprzejmie informuje, że nastąpił błąd w numeracji raportu bieżącego opublikowanego w dniu 19 lutego br. Raport ten omyłkowo oznaczono numerem, 3 podczas gdy powinien on posiadać numer 2. / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that it has decided to change the date of the publication of the fourth quarter 2007 quarterly report from 22nd February 2008 to 28th February 2008.
Luty 18, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISc Enterprises Plc ("Spółka"), informuje iż w następstwie udanego wprowadzenia akcji ASBISc Enterprises Plc do obrotu na Warszawskiej Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w październiku 2007 r. / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc informs that following the successful listing of Asbis Enterprises PLC on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in October 2007, the Company has decided to cancel its AIM listing with effect from 18th March 2008 in order to consolidate all liquidity to a single exchange.
Luty 15, 2008
Notebook vendor Toshiba has moved to allay any suggestions that it is under-distributed in the Saudi market by awarding in-country distribution rights to Asbis and Redington.
Styczeń 09, 2008
Rada Dyrektorów ASBISC Enterprises Plc. podaje do publicznej wiadomości terminy przekazywania raportów okresowych w 2008 r., które przedstawiają się następująco / The Board of Directors of ASBISC Enterprises Plc announces publications dates of periodical reports in 2008
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